location: Oradea; authors: Zoltan Szoke, Oliver Nemes; design team: Adrian Rosca, Laura Nemes, Florin Popescu, Dorin Popescu; gba: 17000 sqm; year: 2014;
The project designed by our office in 2011 responds to the needs of a local business environment aided by European funding programmes. The business plan accepted in prior as eligible defined strict requirements regarding the functions as well as the built area indicators by each floor. The proposal is a simple composition with sharp juxtaposition. The office’s volumes with southern exposure are protected by vertical fins. Visibility is assured; interior natural light is enriched by the light reflections of the bright white surfaces. From small angles of view the facade loses its transparency. And it becomes a volume with its substance animated by natural light or reflections of the interior lights. The versatile cladding made of white materials gets its maximum consistency, definitively opaque, on the cantilevered volume above the entrance. It is the part of the project where the intentions are stated. The building is a vehicle for clarity, rigour and recklessness.